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Daniela Ho Tan

Daniela Ho Tan Profile Photo

Clinical Psychologist / Advanced Accredited Schema Therapist at Mindwealth Psychology

Dani is a Clinical Psychologist and Advanced Accredited Schema Therapist based in Sydney. She identifies as being of the Asian diaspora and is passionate about incorporating culture into her clinical formulation. She first presented on Cross-Cultural Applications of Schema Therapy in 2019 at the “Schema Therapy at the Coalface” in Sydney. Following this, she became the first Vietnamese psychologist to complete Advanced Schema Accreditation under the support and guidance of Dr Xi Liu and Ms Ruth Holt.

Through the gift of working with all her amazing clients who come from all walks of life (with the majority being of Asian heritage), Dani recognised the importance of making cultural adaptions to her clinical work whilst preserving the integrity of schema therapy. In 2023 she was fortunate to attend the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies (WCCBT23) in Seoul, South Korea. This was truly an enriching experience as she attended various cultural trainings and presentations with incredible Asian clinicians and academics which further inspired her to launch Project HoriZen.

Dani identifies as being Vietnamese-Australian. She has undergone her own journey of exploring identity as her parents left Vietnam during the war so she was born in Germany and then her family migrated to Australia. Having undergone her own therapeutic processes and attending various workshops and trainings, she has noticed a big need for culture to be a part of the therapy conversation. She currently runs her private practice Mindwealth Psychology where she offers client and supervision services.

July 17, 2024

The importance of knowing your own stuff as a therapist (with Daniela…

Bron and Daniela chat about the value of knowing your own stuff when you're a therapist. We explore 👉🏿 why therapists need to engage in their own self-reflection 👉 debunk myths around therapists doing inner work 👉🏾 share prac...

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June 19, 2024

Should I get certified in a particular therapy? (with Daniela Ho Tan)

Bron and Daniela chat about the pressure🔥 and process to become certified or accredited in a particular therapy like Schema, IFS, or EMDR. Daniela shares her experiences with schema therapy certification, including the benefi...

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March 6, 2024

Upskilling in culturally-responsive practice for Asian clients (with …

Bron and Daniela talk about how to ensure that therapy is culturally responsive, particularly for clients of Asian heritage. They chat about 👉🏽 Daniela's lived experience as a person of the Asian diaspora 👉🏻 How culture shows...

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