Clinical Psychologist at Nourish, Heal & Grow Psychology / Coach at Sustainable Therapists
Rebecca is a naturally compassionate, understanding and empathetic human being. She draws upon evidence-based practices from several therapeutic frameworks, including Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Schema Therapy, Mindfulness and Positive Psychology. As a therapist, she takes the time to provide a safe space for people to connect and express without judgement. She focuses strongly on helping people make sense of their difficulties, both in the context of their current life stressors, and in relation to their childhood upbringing, life experiences and societal influences. From this space of understanding, Rebecca can teach skills and ways of being to help people overcome both newly developed emotional difficulties and old pervasive patterns that are no longer serving them. She navigates all of this with a grounded sense of calm, lots of laughter and an inherently playful nature.
Rebecca has a particular passion for working with people with chronic fatigue and pain related illnesses (e.g., Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease). Having had her own chronic illness journey, Rebecca deeply understands both the immense toll these illnesses can take and the transformational growth that can come from them. Rebecca takes a broad, wholistic and integrative approach with the aim to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.
Rebecca also enjoys working with newly emerging health professionals to assist in managing stress, avoiding burn-out, increasing confidence, and finding work-life balance – something that she also has a deep lived experience in.
In relation to her training, Rebecca completed her Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of Adelaide. Here, she was awarded the Australian Psychological Society Prize which recognizes academic excellence in psychology. She also completed two theses in the area of Multiple Sclerosis which were later published in peer-reviewed journals. Rebecca has had experience in a variety of settings, including government and not-for-profit agencies, and is currently focused on private practice to allow for flexibility and work-life balance. She is registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and is member of the Australia Association of Psychologists Inc (AAPi).